We all have fears and facing them can be a daunting task for most, for me it is most definitely daunting and at times can make me sick to my stomach. I have been procrastinating on some of my goals because I have allowed my fears to dictate my emotions.
In the past month to month and a half I have had an awakening, someone close to me has been diagnosed with Leukemia and through spending time with him during his journey though treatment to recovery I have been reinspired to accomplish my goals. As I tell him he must find courage to fight this battle I hear the words and think "why am I not taking my own advice?" and why am I procrastinating on something that means so much to me. His journey has inspired me to jump back onto the path I had planned to walk and keep going! Fear can be paralyzing if you let it or it can be your fuel to success. I can't submit to my fears anymore, even if I don't achieve my goals I need to look back and say I've done everything I could to achieve them! One of my goals is to be able to merge both of my professional careers {real estate with Keller Williams and my charities work} and with that to be able to help as many people as possible. I want to build a network to help anyone in the country to relocate who is leaving a domestic violence situation. This has went from being a goal to now being a dream, I'm fortunate enough to work with an amazing company who has given me support to work towards building this network. For that I will forever be grateful! I want to send special thank you's to everyone to has inspired me to keep going and been a shoulder to lean on when I was weak. I only hope that I to can be the person who inspires someone or to be a positive shoulder to lean on! Thank you all for reading, please leave a comment below and don't forget to sign-up for the Talie Marie Foundation Newsletter on the right! God Bless! <3 Talie Marie |
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The Talie Marie Foundation was created by a survivor for all those whom have been impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide. We are dedicated to the growth and healing of all survivors worldwide. EIN: 47-3472489 |