![]() Sooooooo It's has been awhile since my last post and for that I'm so so so sorry. I have been struggling with everything that has been going on with the sexual misconduct allegations through out Hollywood. I want to be very clear... I support ANYONE whom comes forward to report acts of sexual misconduct or in any form, with that being said I also feel strongly about the avenues that those allegations should be reported. I'm so very proud to be a woman in this world when we are in the time where finding ones internal strength to say "It's Time For A Change" is happening! My concern is we are not reporting the allegations in a manor in which will make a direct change, we are using social media as a venue to voice accusations and creating a lynch mob society instead of reporting said allegations to the appropriate legal channels allowing our judicial system to do what it is meant to do. The question really is, Are we making a true change and or difference when we don't report instances of sexual misconduct to the proper authorities? YES we are making the issues relevant and we are opening the door for a real discussion to be had about these issues but once the discussion stops what is left....? Are we as a society making the permanent changes that need to be made in order to ensure we don't revert back to a place where it is acceptable to treat people whom you deem lesser than you as an object VS a human breathing being? Even if experiences are not deemed as something that can be used in a court of law, we must report them so they are documented legally within the our police/judicial system because our stories may be the key to helping someone now. Think about it, if the person whom hurt you has been or is hurting someone else your testimony could be what makes a case against them even if it is no longer prosecutable it could be what helps another victim/survivor. I want to be apart of not only the discussion, I want to apart of the CHANGE! As someone whom is adopting children I want to help create a world where there is a society that is equal and without fear of reprocutions from denial of sexual advances from a superior or anyone for that manor. I also want to address something that has been on my mind for a few months now... I have been really struggling with the comparison of sexual misconduct to sexual assault. As someone who has been raped I can say without hesitation that being held down and raped is not the same as someone being groped. Yes both are completely deplorable behaviors, Yes both are disgusting, and Yes both need to STOP! I'm sorry if this opinion offends anyone and I hope that everyone that are forced to deal with these horrific circumstances are getting the help they deserve and need for a healthy recovery. For anyone in need of someone to talk to please don't hesitate to reach out to RAINN "The National Sexual Assault Hotline it is Free and Confidential and available 24/7 for anyone who may need their services. The number is 1-800-656-HOPE. Thanks for reading everyone, God Bless. <3 Talie Marie |
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The Talie Marie Foundation was created by a survivor for all those whom have been impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide. We are dedicated to the growth and healing of all survivors worldwide. EIN: 47-3472489 |