HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Completely stuffed and ready for a nap! It is absolute wonderful to spawn the day with family around the dinning room table "including my little guy Dobby the House Cat" enjoying everyones company! This year we changed up a few things, new table setting and new recipes, and even tho I was a bit apprehensive the table looked great and the food was perfect! Change can be good, I will admit I fight change to much... I need to embrace it more! I think after that amazing meal that I cooked with my mum VS my mum just cooking herself I want to make it a new tradition of cooking every year together... Even when we are ready to kill each other when the kitchen gets to small LOL! I have shared some of my family's Thanksgiving photos below! I hope you have all enjoyed your holiday and please enjoy my families crazy holiday pop crackers crowns {English Tradition} LOL! God Bless! Talie Marie |
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The Talie Marie Foundation was created by a survivor for all those whom have been impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide. We are dedicated to the growth and healing of all survivors worldwide. EIN: 47-3472489 |