![]() So I've been working diligently on a healthier lifestyle and losing weight to get back to my old and happier self, yesterday I went for a good 5+ mile walk on Revere Beach "America's First Public Beach" and I quickly remembers how much I love love love the beach and ocean! ![]() There is nothing like getting lost in sound of water crashing into the shore... even if the waves are small. There is something about how calming and relaxing it is that just eases my stress and brings me back to a place of creativity. Every time I'm on the beach I get the urge to paint. ![]() When I see a perfect seashell I get this crazy desire to pick up my paintbrush again. When I was younger I would escape into my are and get lost in a place filled with music, usually a favorite album or guitar or piano solos for hours and just paint and be in complete content with just being by myself, alone with my own thoughts. ![]() I love the smell of the ocean, it's this clean and cool breeze that kisses young leaves behind a hint of salt on your lips, yes I'm that girl who loves the taste of salt water LOL. I would rather a kiss from the salt in the air than a seagull, they can be a bit aggressive at least here they are! ![]() A fresh sea breeze with the ocean floor at your feet can rejuvenate the soul and wake up all of your sleeping senses in mer moments! Sometimes you can find the simplest of beauties just by looking down... A small seashell waiting for the tide to come back in and be reclaimed by the waves. There is something magical about the sand when the sunlight hits it just right and it sparkles at your feet. ![]() I think in a past life I was a pirate... but a nice one... I can defiantly see myself living on the water surrounded by the gentle hum of ocean waves. Truth be told I hope I come back in my next life as one, a free bird who only answers to the sea in front of her and has a kiss of a salty breeze to her sails. ![]() It's always important to surround yourself with the people who love and inspire you and it is also very important to put yourself into the surroundings that bring you peace and fill your heart and soul with hope and blissful calm. Sometimes when I forget that when I feel overwhelmed or when I'm down that if I just put myself into the environment that gives me hope and calms my nerves I can get back on my desired path. Sometimes it's just the simple things we need. ![]() I think I need to pick up those paint brushes again... Maybe remembering the happiness of old I can enhance the happiness of new in my day to day life. We all need moments of serenity with that I leave you with a prayer I say daily... "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference". Thank you for reading and to get blog notification just subscribe on the right side of the page! God Bless! Talie Marie |
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The Talie Marie Foundation was created by a survivor for all those whom have been impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide. We are dedicated to the growth and healing of all survivors worldwide. EIN: 47-3472489 |