Our Mission
"To give anyone affected by Sexual Violence,
Domestic Violence, or Suicide
a place to express themselves and heal."
To donate a Journal to the Talie Marie Foundation please send to:
Talie Marie Foundation 58 Parker St Chelsea MA 02150 |
Journal Donation Challenge!When you donate a journal take a selfie with it or just of the journal you are donating and upload it to all your social media outlets and caption it as
" I took the #TalieMarieFoundation #JournalDonationChallenge Take it with me! http://www.taliemariefoundation.com " |
contact the
The Talie Marie Foundation was created by a survivor for all those whom have been impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide. We are dedicated to the growth and healing of all survivors worldwide. EIN: 47-3472489 |